it matter which slots I plug my new module in?
general, you will get the best performance if you put the largest
module (in megabytes) in the lowest-numbered slot. For example,
if your computer comes with 128MB of removable memory and you
want to add 256MB, it would be best to put the 256MB module
into slot 0 and the 128MB module into slot 1.
Does the Price of Memory Fluctuate?
and demand. Occasional changes in market demands will alter
inventories and, therefore, raise or lower prices.
you mix and match ECC and non-parity modules?
When adding new memory, you need to match what is already in
your system. You can determine if your system has parity by
simply counting the number of black memory chips on each module.
Parity and ECC memory modules have a chip count divisible by
three or five. Any chip count not divisible by three or five
indicates a non-parity memory module.
DDR and SDRAM be used in the same system at the same time?
Even though there are systems that support both technologies,
you can't have DDR and SDRAM in the same system at the same
time. You'll have to choose one or the other.